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Indiana Retired Teachers Association

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Hospital Indemnity

Hospital Indemnity

When You’re on the Road to Recovery, We’ll Be There Every Step of the Way

The Hospital Indemnity plan from Indiana Retired Teachers Association and AMBAcan help cover your out-of-pocket costs associated with medical expenses, including hospital, skilled nursing, outpatient doctor or surgical coverage.

Benefits are paid directly to you and are paid in addition to any other health care coverage. The benefits and premiums for this plan vary based on the plan options selected. We have options for lump sum or daily amounts depending on your needs.

Because the benefits are paid directly to you the policy can also offset the cost of deductibles, co-pays, and unexpected expenses not covered by other insurance plans.

For complete details of all provisions or benefits, please read your policy carefully.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Plan now for the level of care and comfort you deserve in case of an accident or illness that requires assistance and care during recovery.

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Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM Central
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