Short-Term Care / Home Health Care
Home Care Lets You Recover In the Comfort of Your Home
Comfort and peace of mind are essential when you’re recovering from an injury or illness. PENC and AMBA understand that there’s no better place to be than in the comfort of your own home. That’s why we offer our Home Health Care policy.
People commonly assume that Medicare will cover the entire expense for skilled home care assistance. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Many people learn the hard way the expensive out-of-pocket costs for accidents or illnesses with long recovery times.
Hip replacement recovery time is an average of 4 to 6 weeks. Knee replacement can be as long as 3 months to resume most common daily activities.
Our Home Health Care plan makes it possible for you to recover in your own home with skilled assistance.

Benefits Paid Directly to You
Benefits are paid in addition to any other health care coverage, including Medicare. You decide how you spend them. The benefits and premiums for these plans will vary based on the plan options selected.