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Cancer-Heart-Stroke Policy


Recovering From Cancer Can Be Hard. We Can Make It Easier.

Learn About a Way To Get Direct Payments If You're Recovering From Cancer, a Heart Attack, or Stroke

There are advanced treatments available to increase your chance of cancer survival. However, sometimes these advanced treatments are not available locally, and the cost of travel, care, and other out-of-pocket expenses can be overwhelming. Cancer plans pay money directly to you upon first diagnosis of internal cancer or malignant melanoma. The money is paid at one time, in one lump sum payment. An optional heart and stroke rider is available for additional premium.

Enroll Your Way
Call 1-888-701-1558
Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM Central
Cancer/Heart/Stroke Insurance

Upon Diagnosis of a Covered Condition, a Check is Sent to You, Not Your Healthcare Provider

No receipts or medical bills necessary. Payment is directly to you, to be used however you choose to use it. This payment can help you:

  • Replace lost income while your off work
  • Keep up with your regular living expenses
  • Pay your health insurance deductibles and copays
  • Hire home healthcare or childcare services
  • Cover the expenses of travel to treatment facilities
Enroll Your Way
Call 1-888-701-1558
Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM Central