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Illinois Principals Association

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We administer benefits for your association. Think of us as your main hub for your associations benefit program.

AMBA can be reached by phone Monday-Friday from 8am-6pm CST by calling 1-800-258-7041. Our member services team is here to serve you! Or request online.

Billing & Existing Account Questions: 1-866-615-4051 - Or use this form.

Customer Service: 1-800-258-7041
Monday-Friday from 8am-6pm CST

Cancellations: Cancellations@amba.info

Enroll Online or View Benefit Information: www.myambabenefits.info

Request a call back or send us your question by completing the Contact Us form.

Mailing Address:
6034 West Courtyard Dr. STE 300
Austin, TX 78730
Fax: 512-772-5795

Long-Term Care

No one knows what the future holds in store. As people age, they may need help with things they once were able to do for themselves. Accidents and injuries mean younger people need long-term care services, too.

Long-term care doesn’t mean you have to go to a nursing home. Services are available in a variety of settings:

  • Home
  • Community
  • Assisted Living Facility
  • Nursing Home

A long-term care insurance policy may be an important component of your overall plan for retirement.

  • Pays a portion of your long-term care expenses
  • Helps protect your retirement assets
  • Allows you to spend your retirement the way you planned

You could purchase a long-term care insurance policy,and...

  • Supplement your out-of-pocket expenses with policy benefits to help pay your long-term care expenses
  • Protect a portion of your assets so you can use them as planned
  • Stay connected to the things that matter most

Short Term Care / Home Health Care

On average home health aide cost about $46,332 per year based on 44 hours per week for 52 weeks.

No, Medicare has restrictions and limitations on what it will cover for skilled home care assistance. Unfortunately, seniors mistakenly believe that Medicare covers the entire recovery period at home. Out-of-pocket costs can be expensive for accidents or illnesses with long recovery times.

Benefits paid directly to you and you decide how to spend the benefits. Or payments can be made to a medical provider that you designate, and are paid in addition to any other health care coverage, including Medicare.

Your insurance may pay different coverage amounts based on the type of stay in the hospital. This policy could help cover unexpected expenses.

Almost a quarter of all seniors visit the emergency room due to these top 10 conditions:

  1. Injuries and accidents
  2. Heart disease
  3. Chest pain
  4. Adverse effects and complications of medical treatment
  5. Abdominal pain
  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  7. Pneumonia
  8. Urinary tract infection
  9. Stroke
  10. Spinal disorders

Medical Transportation

Yes! MASA will be there for you if you become ill or get injured and require local transportation by ground ambulance or helicopter or if you need to be transferred by air ambulance to an upgraded medical facility. Your MASA plan will also get you specialized medical care that is not available locally.

Yes! If you get sick or injured and require hospitalization, MASA can get you back home for treatment and recuperation. And if you require an air ambulance, MASA will even send a relative or friend with you so you do not have to be alone. Plus your plan can return a stranded vehicle back to your home by a bonded driver.

Your attending physician and MASA’s medical director determine when and where you will be flown. MASA takes care of all the details and the transportation.

If you are in the U.S., call 911 first as you would normally do. Once you are safe and in stable condition, call MASA and they will take care of everything.

If you are overseas, use the emergency services available in your area and then contact MASA.

MASA will cover the air waybill for returning the member’s remains to the airport nearest the member’s permanent address.

Your benefits start immediately once we receive your completed application.

Whole Life Insurance

Yes! Acceptance is guaranteed for those between age 45 and 85.

You cannot be turned down for any health reason. Your acceptance is guaranteed. (Each insured may have a combined maximum of $25,000 coverage of this type from United of Omaha Life Insurance Company.)

There is absolutely no way that your rate can be increased. The affordable rate you start with is the rate you stay with – for life. You’ll never pay any more.

Just fill in the pre-approved application form and mail it in the postage-paid envelope with your payment. You will be billed your premiums and you’ll receive your policy. If you are not 100% satisfied, just return your policy to us within 60 days and your money will be refunded.

You cannot be canceled for any reason as long as your premiums are paid when due.

Term Life Insurance

In the event of death, provides cash that may be used to pay off debts, enabling the surviving spouse and children to keep the current lifestyle.

In the event of a covered disability, this rider provides cash that can be used to make mortgage payments for either 18 or 30 months, after a 90-day* elimination period.
*In MD – 120-day elimination period.

If the primary residence sustains $25,000 or more of damage, this provision allows the monthly base premiums and riders to be waived for one six-month period.

In the event of qualifying unemployment, provides for premiums to be waived for one six-month period.

At the end of the policy term, this provision provides for a refund of all premiums paid if the life insurance is no longer needed.


You have 60 day trial period

You will receive up to a 3 year supply of batteries. That's 40 cells per hearing aid.


Ideally, you'd have both, because your disability coverage may not provide you a lump-sum payment to help you to take care of day-to-day living expenses and still have money for your recovery. Accident coverage can pay a lump-sum benefit in addition to any disability coverage you may have. Also, most disability plans provide a reduced monthly benefit, and many are valid for just a limited time.

Your premiums are group premiums designed to make this coverage affordables.

Covered losses range from loss of hearing to more serious injuries, such as paralysis and brain damage.

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